Thursday, July 29, 2021

Past Continuous (Also Known As Past Progressive)

While you were studying English in your last class, did you review the past continuous verb tense?

Is this verb tense important?

YES, but it is not as frequently used as the past simple, present simple, or present perfect.

What does it look like?

The past continuous looks like this: WAS/WERE + VERB+ING


When is it used?

For a clear review of the rules, visit this helpful English Page explanation.


Are you ready to practice?

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Quotation Integration

Using quotations from other sources is an important component of academic writing. However, it is full of challenges! 

Let's look at this student sample paragraph, which illustrates some issues with quotation integration:

“The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading in order to write; a man will turn over half a library to make one book.” Samuel Johnson said this, and meant that writers must incorporate significant amounts of reading into their routines and study in order to improve their own skills.

Which issues should we work to address here?

  • The quotation is not introduced
  • The quotation is not cited
  • "This quote meant that" is not a meaningful, sophisticated way to follow a quote.

Now, let's look at this one, in which the quotation is more smoothly integrated into the paragraph:

It is well known that writers must incorporate significant amounts of reading into their study routines in order to improve their own skills. Samuel Johnson once remarked that "the greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading in order to write; a man will turn over half a library to make one book" (Boswell, 1791). Most writers would agree that, indeed, the most effective tutors are the works of other writers.

Let's look at what we improved here:

  • The quotation is introduced 
  • The quotation is properly cited
  • It is followed and explained in a more sophisticated way, without being redundant. 
  • This uses the "quote sandwich method," a technique used often in academic writing to help a writer "blend" the quotations into his/her own paragraphs. 
For more information on the quote sandwich method:

To learn more about 4 common methods for integrating quotations into one's writing:

Do you prefer video lessons?

Are you ready to practice?
  • Practice quiz 1 (Explanation by Randy Rambo, 2019, with link to multiple choice quiz)
  • Practice quiz 2 (QUIA quiz: which is correct?)
  • Practice quiz 3 (QUIZIZZ practice: is it correct? how can we fix it?)
  • Practice quiz 4 (easier, from Practice with correct quotation punctuation only)

Monday, January 29, 2018

Mixed Constructions

Mixed constructions are among the most challenging types of sentence errors to find an fix, as they can have many causes....and they can have many possible solutions.


What is a mixed construction?

This occurs when the parts of a sentence do not "match up" and connect correctly. Watch this video (from "Mastering the Fundamentals of College Reading and Writing") to learn more. For additional information about mixed constructions, with examples, please visit one of these helpful sites:

Here are a few examples:

1) INCORRECT: Nurses, a demanding profession, requires a significant amount of education and training.

(The problem here is that the subject is a group of people, and the predicate talks about the profession of nursing...not the nurses themselves.)

CORRECT: Nursing, a demanding profession, requires a significant amount of education and training.

2) INCORRECT: The new technology program we began to use it last semester.

(The problem here is that our subject is the technology program...but then we add a second, unexpected subject (we) and a subsequent predicate.)

CORRECT: We began to use the new technology program last semester.

Visit this page from for more examples and corrections.

Ready to Practice?


Monday, November 14, 2016

Noun Clauses

What are noun clauses?

A noun clause is a DEPENDENT CLAUSE (which will include its own subject and verb, and express an idea).
It  "is used as a subject of an object. In other words, a noun clause is used in the same ways as a noun."
(source: Azar (1989), Understanding and Using English Grammar, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall Regents, pg 263)

For practice finding noun clauses in sentences, let's try these practice exercises:

How are noun clauses used in sentences?

  • Here is an example of a noun clause utilized as the subject of a sentence: How she answered the question surprised me.
  • Here, we see a noun clause used as the direct object of a verb: I wonder whose house that is.
  • Here, the noun clause is used as the object of an adjective expression: It is obvious that they are tired.
  • As an object of a preposition, the noun clause would look like this: I do not agree with what they said.
  • Here, we can see a noun clause used as a predicate noun: His difficulty is that he cannot read.

For practice identifying how a noun clause is being used, try these exercises:

In what kinds of situations do we use noun clauses?

In addition to the examples above, we might also use noun clauses in the following ways:

For indirect reported speech:
  • I told him that we needed a new car.
  • For more information about and practice with indirect reported speech, please visit this earlier blog post.

After certain verbs: (such as ask, advise, beg, demand, forbid, insist, order, prefer, propose, require, recommend, request, suggest, urge)
  • She advised that we prepare a bit more extensively for our exams.
  • We need a special verb form when we do this! Check out this

(Verb list from source: Lane & Lange (1993), Writing Clearly, 3rd ed., Heinle Cengage Learning, p 141)

To talk about "mental activity" (with such verbs as believe, decide, know, learn, realize, remember, think, understand)
  • I believe that she has difficulty with noun clauses in her writing.

With "embedded questions":

How many kinds of noun clauses are there, and what do they begin with?

They might begin with a question word: (what, when, where, who, why, how, whom, whose, which)
  • I don't know why you are so stubborn.
They can begin with whether or if:
  • I don't know if she will join us.
  • I wonder whether we should wait for him.
They can begin with that:
  • I know that she is late for class.
  • It is obvious that she is tired. She is sleeping at her desk.

Where can I find more practice activities about noun clauses?

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Modal Verbs (Part One: Present Forms)

What are modal verbs?

How are they different from other verbs?

  • They are helping verbs (or "auxiliary verbs") that carry special meaning.

There are a few things to remember about modal verbs:
  1. They are always accompanied by a main verb (never alone)
  2. They do not change in the third person singular form (no "s" is added as it would be to a verb like walk/walks)
  3. Most can't be used in the past tenses or future tenses (as we would do with a verb like stop/stopped or go/went)
  4. We add "not" to make one negative (should becomes should not, or shouldn't)
  5. We do not use "do/does/did" with these to make a question (You should go. becomes Should you go?)

How should we use them and what do they all mean?

CAN/COULD: to show ability (or lack of it)

    I can ski, but my sister could ski when she was only three.

CAN/COULD: to show option/ indicate a choice

   You can either play hockey or ski this winter, if you are looking for a fun winter sport.

CAN/COULD/MAY: to show permission/ make a request

  Can I borrow your pencil? (Informal)
  Could I open the window? (More formal)
  May I open the window? (Most formal)

CAN: to show opportunity

  We can get some great apples in Maine at this time of year.

SHOULD/OUGHT TO (and HAD BETTER): to show advisability/ advice

   You should stop smoking.
   You ought to study more.

  •    Find more information from Learn English Online here or here, from the University of Victoria.
  • Or check out this video from My English. (animated and very simple)
  •    To get some practice, try this: Practice 5 (from the University of Victoria)

SHOULD/OUGHT TO: to show expectation

   The bus should arrive soon. The schedule indicates that it will be here in 10 minutes.

  •    For practice (and to get familiar with this use), try these: Practice 6 (easy), or Practice 7 (easy) (both from English Club)


   Shouldn't we close the window? It's getting cold.
   You might want to study more.
   Shall we go out to dinner tonight?

WOULD LIKE: to show desire

   I would like to go to Florida this winter.
   Would you like to have some iced tea with your lunch?

MUST: to show an assumption/inference

   It must be cold outside today. There is frost on my window.

MUST (and HAVE TO): to show necessity/obligation/prohibition

  We must complete the bonus exercises before the test in order to earn the points.
  You mustn't be late for class.
  We have to study for the test.

WILL: to show a general truth, promise, or prediction (see "FUTURE FORMS" post for more information)

MAY/MIGHT/COULD: to show possibility
   She might visit us tomorrow, if she has time.
   You could finish your homework if you hurry and stay focused.
   We may have pizza for dinner. We haven't decided, yet.


Where can I find more practice with all of these?

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

3 Types of Sentences

Writers use three main types of correct sentences: Simple, Compound and Complex.

What are these?

For more information and examples, see this clear explanation.
You could also watch this clear, helpful video that explains them.



Compound Sentences are...

Two independent clauses joined by a FANBOY (or "Coordinating Conjunction")
For a whole list of examples, visit this page.

Complex Sentences are...

Two clauses joined by a subordinate conjunction, AKA one dependent and one independent clause joined together. (Check out this earlier blog post for more information on Complex sentences with subordinate conjunctions)

Are you ready to practice?

Practice One: Compound or Complex
Practice Two: Three types
Practice Three: Three types quiz
Practice Four: Three types, quiz 2

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Sentence Errors: Fragments, Run ons and Comma-splice errors

What are these tricky types of errors that are so common in written English?

1) A fragment is an incomplete sentence- it is missing either its subject or its verb, or does not express a complete idea.

EXAMPLES: Is beautiful today. Because the temperature has risen slightly. (Both fragments! Can you see what is missing in each?)

For more information about fragment errors (and how to avoid them)  from Chomp Chomp, click here.


For practice finding and fixing fragments errors, try these, from the Purdue Owl, Chomp Chomp, and other popular grammar/writing sites:

2) A run-on is when two or more sentences (or "independent clauses" are put together without proper division (no conjunction, period, or semicolon).

EXAMPLE: It is a beautiful today because the temperature has risen slightly finally it isn't snowing and icy outside. (This is a run on- can you find where there should be a period?)

For more information about run on errors (and how to avoid them) from Chomp Chomp, click here.

For practice finding and fixing run-on errors, try these, from the Purdue Owl, Bristol University, and other popular grammar/writing sites:

3) A comma-splice error is like a run on...except here, a comma is "trying to do the job of a period" and divide the independent clauses all by itself. (NOTE: it can't!)

EXAMPLE: It is a beautiful today, the temperature has risen slightly finally, it isn't snowing and icy outside. (This contains two comma splice errors! YIKES!)

For more information about comma-splice errors (and how to avoid them)  from the Purdue Owl, click here.

For practice finding and fixing comma-splice errors, try these, from the Purdue Owl, Bristol University, and other popular grammar/writing sites:

If you are now ready to try to practice with all three types of sentence errors... try these:

Practice (challenging!)